Monday, June 13, 2011


We have acquired a building permit!! Hooray. It is quite the process. Besides your deed and a site plan, you need a soil test, a septic engineer, a septic design and septic installer - that gets you a septic permit and just part of the building permit. Then you need a letter stating you have water, an entrance permit from the road department, your building plans including elevations and electrical plans, plans sealed by an engineer, truss plans . . . . And you need a REScheck, plan certification statement and if you want, a Green Build document. And that is what our county requires. Every other county will be slightly different.

I went in Friday but I had the wrong REScheck (it had to be 2006) and I needed my entrance permit. So today I got those and hip hip hooray the process was completed and the permit was handed over to me.

Now the hard work begins!

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